About 90 tangled adult and baby rattlesnakes were pulled out of a woman’s home after she called a reptile rescue team about snakes in her home in California.
The woman, whose identity was not disclosed, called the Sonoma County Reptile Rescue earlier this month.
The rescue’s director Alan Wolf wrote in a Facebook post: “This last week I got a call from a lady that said she had snakes under her house.
“3 hours and 45 minutes later this is what I came out with, 59 babies and 22 adults.”
Wolf returned twice to the home and pulled seven more snakes out.
However, Wolf has reason to believe that was not the last of the reptiles. The foundation of the home was built around rocks and snakes “can come and go as they please”, he said, according to HuffPost.
The snakes were Pacific rattlesnakes, according to Wolf.
Pacific rattlesnakes give birth to four to 21 babies from August to October, according to the Burke Museum in Seattle. Female Pacific rattlesnakes may gather in one den to give birth.
Rattlesnakes usually attack humans only when they feel threatened.
The woman whose house the snakes were found lives in Santa Rosa and did not want to be identified so her neighbors would not panic, KRON 4 reported.
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